
Marriage Counselling

Talk 1-to-1 with our Marriage Counsellors

We have a team of trained and licensed online counselling therapists that bring years of experience with themselves and a strong commitment to help the society at large. Consult online with the best psychologist, therapist, counsellors, mental health experts in your preferred language like Hindi, English, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Assamese, Odia etc.

Consult with a Marriage Counsellor

Feel Free Talk to a Marriage counsellor via Chat, phone and video call.

Our dedicated team of Marriage counsellors, psychologists and therapists is here to provide support and guidance.

Marriage Counselling, also called, couples counselling or couples therapy is a type of therapy that helps couples to recognise and resolve conflicts and thereby improving their relationship. With the help of a marriage counsellor, you can make thoughtful decisions and start working to rebuild and strengthen your relationship.

A licensed and full trained therapist will provide online counselling to either one or both the partners and provide the specific treatment. At HopeNetwork, you can as a doctor or a psychologist anytime of the day. At the same time, it is important to note that marriage is a complex relationship and no two marriages can be the same. Regardless of the sexual orientation or marriage status, couples can still seek marriage counselling in order to better understand each other.

In addition, couples therapy can also help couples who plan to get married. Premarital counseling can help couples achieve a deeper understanding of each other and iron out differences before marriage.

So if you are facing any of these issues, it is time that you consult a marriage counsellor.

  • Communication problems
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Conflicts about child
  • Abuse
  • Financial Problems
  • Substance abuse
  • Anger
  • Infidelity

What you can expect

Marriage Counselling helps you to learn the skills that can solidify your marriage with open communication, problem-solving and how to discuss differences rationally. In the therapy, you will be talking about the good and the bad parts of your relationship better understand the sources of your conflicts.
In the start you might find it a little difficult to talk about your problems to the marriage counsellor. But as it passes, the counsellor will help you cope with the resulting emotions that arise with talking about the issues.

But here are a few things that you will have to consider when you take marriage counselling:

  • It might be hard. Imagine you and your partner are still angry over perceived wrongs and it is completely okay if you might yell or argue during the therapy sessions. Your therapist will help you identify, resolve and how to cope with the resulting outburst.
  • You can go by yourself. Doesn’t matter if your partner refuses to attend marriage counseling sessions. You can take individual therapy. It can help you learn and be aware more about your reactions and behaviour.
  • Therapy is often short term. Depending on the intensity of your problem, your marriage counselling might need only a few sessions or even it could take months. The specific treatment plan will depend on your situation. Sometimes, it might end up in a happy ending where if you find that the differences are truly irreconcilable. Then, your counsellor will work on ending the relationship on good terms.
  • You might have homework. Counselling is no one way road. Your counsellor might suggest you communication exercises at home to help you practice what you learnt during your session. And, you need to do that without any interruption – phone, TV or children.
  • You might need additional care. If the disruption in your marriage is because you are coping with mental illness, substance abuse or other issues, your therapist might work with other health care providers to provide more complete treatment.

Ask a Counsellor

Feel Free Talk to a counsellor via Chat, phone and video call.

Our therapists are here to help you out. Our qualified and experienced therapists would follow scientifically proved techniques to accurately assess your situation. The accurate diagnosis becomes the bedrock of effective therapy.

Did we tell you our sessions cost less than your pizza outing??


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